Why This Website Exists

I've been a good little ghostwriter. I lurk, do the work, and don't say a word. 

I’m also a ghost when it comes to personal expression. I fill up notebooks like a detective but never really post anything (except for Instagram captions, which are my favorite art form).

Of course, the irony of being an invisible mercenary is that nothing shows up when clients Google you. So, I had to break cover and make this website. And here it is. Welcome to Ben Engelbach’s Website.

Fortunately for me, the writing is already done. I just have to go through my notebooks, and I’ll post any good stuff I find.

I know reading is really hard (it feels like you’re planking with your brain) so thanks for reading this far. And now, the post is over and you can get back to indulging in the bright poison of Instagram or whatever else you want to do.

These all say BEN’S SECRET DIARY DON’T READ!!! on the cover.

